Detroit 67 Exhibition To Become Permanent, Dedicated to Marlowe Stoudamire
While it had been set to close at the end of 2020, the Detroit 67: Perspectives exhibition at the Detroit Historical Museum is becoming permanent. It ...
10 February, 2021While it had been set to close at the end of 2020, the Detroit 67: Perspectives exhibition at the Detroit Historical Museum is becoming permanent. It ...
10 February, 2021Ike McKinnon was 14 when he left junior high school at the end of the school day, when an infamous “Big Four” car, a terrorizing police unit consistin...
05 June, 2020The Detroit 67 Project went to Croatia last week when team members Tracy Irwin, Marlowe Stoudamire and Elana Rugh participated in The Best in Heritage...
01 October, 2019If we had had more fearless conversations in the past we would be further along.
Lauren Hood - #
We are owed the chance to have a conversation that is unapologetic.
Sommer Woods
Dr. King said to me: The unrest in Detroit is the line drawn in the sand that beckons a new urban agenda in America.
Ray Johnson
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